Michaela has added yellow curtains in a couple of the windows of her dwelling. It’s caused a stir for some reason.
Sam Gleese noticed it first, and Sam told me and Jonny and a few of the others. It was very exciting for some reason.
We all gathered at Michaela’s to look at them in the breeze. With the windows and doors open all through the dwelling, the yellow curtains danced and flung themselves around.
Some people wondered where she had got the material from. We discussed the possibilities in the grassed area outside the shop. It was then that we decided to chip in and get Michaela some daffodils. We were so grateful for the sight of those curtains of hers for some reason. Just the fact of them, someone said. In the breeze.
She put the daffodils in a vase and they lasted well, she told us. A full 8 days before wilting.
Fog tomorrow I predict.