I’ll be there now
I was just in the road - the absolute middle of the road there - and that’s when it must have begun because, what was I doing there? Why was I in the road?
Looking back, I can’t tell you. I was at home in bed, then there was a slight but ordinary noise.
A noise like nothing at all. Like maybe some paper or something. You hear it all the time and so what? That’s the last thing and then I’m in the middle of the road, just a few metres away from the bend where the corner shop is.
No cars, obviously. The sense of danger though, that the road has. The sense of impending awfulness in that bit of the road. You know what I mean. You have experienced being in an empty road and feeling in danger. Even on a quiet, hot day. Even in the morning when you’re feeling productive and alright. You know the feeling. I was there and I saw Beany.
I saw Beany. Hoy Beany! I said.
Ahoy, Beany said back. You coming over? I’ve got a video and some people are coming.
What’s the video Beany?
It’s all recordings of flocks of birds and some bits of some flying insects. I think it will heal me. You know? Help to regrow them.
Beany gestured to his wing area. He was sure he had had wings for a few days, but then his wings retracted. He became very shy, he told us, and his wings retracted and became skin again. His ribs closed over the join. He has been trying to get better, that’s how he sees it. He’s poorly, without his wings.
I did not feel like watching the birds with him. Have a few things to do, I said. Maybe later, Beany.
Alright, he said. And he told me I ought not be in the road. It was dangerous, in a way, he said, to be there like that.
I went back home and climbed up the ladder. I went up with some gusto. I told the air that I didn’t see the point in politics, and politicians are all the same. I told the air that I like green and also blue and also yellows of all kinds.
I told the air at the top of the ladder that I loved Beany’s way. I can’t put my finger on it, I said. I just love his way.
Beany, I said, in my bird voice. Beany, I’ll be there now.
But I remained on the ladder, conscious of my ribs.
Probably the kind of thing Beany was watching